Crimes against Future Generations: Implementing Intergenerational Justice through International Criminal Law

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Sébastien Jodoin


Intergenerational justice not only requires the adoption of best practices and policies, but also the prevention and repression of deleterious and morally blameworthy human behaviour which have severe impacts on the long-term health, safety and means of survival of groups of individuals. While many international crimes have indirect consequences on the well-being of present and future generations, it cannot be said that existing international criminal law is currently well-placed to directly and clearly protect intergenerational rights. As such, the development of a new type of international crime, crimes against future generations, may be a promising avenue for implementing intergenerational justice. Such a crime would penalise acts or conduct that amount to serious violations of existing international law regarding economic, social and cultural rights or the environment.

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Author Biography

Sébastien Jodoin, Centre for International Sustainable Development Law

Sébastien Jodoin is a Legal Research Fellow with the Centre for International Sustainable Development Law, an Associate Fellow with the McGill Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism and a Public Interest Law Fellow with Amnesty International Canada.


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