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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, OpenDocument-Text or WordPerfect format.
  • Where possible, URLs have been added to the references.
  • The text follows the stylistic and bibliographical guidelines in our author notes.
  • Peer review is foreseen for contributions to the thematic section. If the text is submitted as such a contribution, the instructions ensure anonymous peer review have been followed. (Note: reviews will not be peer reviewed).
  • The paper is previously unpublished and has not been submitted to any other journal (otherwise, an explanation is included in "Comments to the Editor").

Author Guidelines

Ethik und Gesellschaft lives from the contributions of its authors. Therefore, the invitation to social ethicists, but also to scholars from the social sciences, philosophy and theology, to submit essay manuscripts and reviews.contributions from young scholars are expressly desired.

Our topics will be presented in the long term. Under the heading "Nächste Ausgabe" you will find the planned titles. You may submit essays on these topics, which will be peer-reviewed using the blind review process.

The editors reserve the right to reject submitted articles - especially if they do not meet the standards of scientific argumentation despite revision. Reasons for rejection will be given in writing.

Ethics and Society has an extensive review section. Our ambitious goal is to review all new publications relevant to social ethics and, to this end, to steadily expand the circle of reviewers. If you are interested, please contact the editorial office with the title of your review. The reviews of the online journal are not bound to the topic of the respective issue.

Detailed information for authors can be found in German under Autorenhinweise.pdf and in English under Autorenhinweise_en.pdf.


»Ethik und Gesellschaft« erscheint in Themenheften. Die Beiträge beleuchten den jeweiligen Themenschwerpunkt aus unterschiedlicher Perspektive und tragen so zu dessen umfassenden und interdisziplinären Bearbeitung bei.

Für die Themenausgaben von "Ethik und Gesellschaft" werden Autorinnen und Autoren eingeladen. Nach Eingang werden deren Beiträge durch Redaktionsmitglieder redaktionell bearbeitet. Zugleich werden die Beiträge anonymisiert und an eine Gutachterin oder einen Gutachter gegeben.
Auch ohne Einladung können Autorinnen und Autoren zu den unter »Nächste Ausgabe« angekündigten Themenschwerpunkte einreichen. Nach Eingang werden entsprechende Beiträge anonymisiert und zur Begutachtung an zwei Mitglieder der Redaktion gegeben.

Artikel zum Themenheft "Pragmatismus und Sozialethik"

Artikel zum Themenheft "Pragmatismus und Sozialethik"

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