Viewpoints of Religious Dignitaries of Southeast Europe on Crisis and Conflict Situations in Europe 1900-2023




Discussion of and dealing with large collective conflicts is a characteristic of religion. In the 20th century, Southeast Europe as a multi-religious region was characterized by a number of large, violent conflicts, which also affected autochthonous religious communities. Against the background of the general question of how religion positions itself towards conflict, it is therefore worthwhile examining this region in terms of the relationship. How did religious dignitaries as representatives of religion react in situations of large crisis and conflict? The statements of important religious leaders between 1900 and 2023 are presented, which, as general assessments, show predominantly peace-oriented content, and reflect the degree of political dependence.

Author Biography

Jochen Töpfer, University of Magdeburg

PD Dr. phil. habil.; studies in political science, sociology, economics; since 2022 research projects „Religion als Beruf. Rollenbilder und Netzwerke religiöser Eliten“ and „Cultivating Memory? Friedhöfe als Gesellschaftsbilder“; Lecturer at the University of Magdeburg.



2023-08-16 — Updated on 2023-10-19